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From #AppsPlantSci's Advances in Plant Imaging special issue🌿
— Botanical Society of America (@Botanical_) October 20, 2023
Wolcott et al use micro-CT and geometric morphometrics to study the 3D #PollinationBiology of #cacao to determine its likely pollinatorshttps://t.co/rqeWog1Ssh @wileyplantsci #iamabotanist @kmeanskatie @DrScanley pic.twitter.com/fygqV5bys4
The watermelon is among the world's most important fruit crops 🍉@kmeanskatie, @Chomicki_G, @Economicbotany, @ssrenner, @YanStaed and colleagues used 3D X-ray-computed tomography to study the oldest known seeds 👇https://t.co/ybomBMe18K
— Plants People Planet 🌱👥🌐 (@plantspplplanet) August 9, 2021
Here's what they found 🧵 [1/6] pic.twitter.com/rFqBgdLHU3